

Binance Smart Chain : 0x43a43a06e8e6a28d76932748a77573dcce974ad2

What is AlbCoin(ALBC)?

ALBC (AlbCoin) is a Token (asset) crypto-currency without the control of banks or governments. ALBC have been coded in the solidity language on the Ethereum Network and actually is bridged between three blockchains, the native Ethereum Blockchain, xDai Chain and Binance Smatchain AlbCoin's Total Supply is only 1.000.000 ALBC Because we think that something has to be scarce to be of high value AlbCoin is a Multichain Token AlbCoin may be the first or one of the first Multichain Tokens in which the user can choose the blockchain that suits their needs the best. ALBC tokens are spread between three blockchains, currently in the Ethereum, xDai and BSC blockchains in which Albcoin actually resides and is actively traded

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