

Binance Smart Chain : 0x187c42794e10c414C331B211aB7f066EaF995b29

What is BetPro(BETPRO)?

The currency of the future for sports bettors and tipsters.
The first Hungarian sports betting token on the Binance Smart Chain. Our goal is to make BETPRO a currency first on Futball Pápa and betHustlers, and then on major international betting sites.


Total supply: 100 000 000

Buy/Sell 12%

2% Buyback
4% Marketing
3% Owner
3% Developers

Doxxxed owner and team!
Lp locked
Contract verified on Bsc

Max wallet: total 1% - start from 0,25% and lift 0,5%-0,75%-1% when get the milestones.

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