

Binance Smart Chain : 0xe7cb24f449973d5b3520e5b93d88b405903c75fb

What is BNbitcoin(BNBTC)?

BNbitcoin (BNBTC) is a smart contract implementation issued on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) ecosystem. Born as a fork of an Ethereum-based project, it has been evolved and adapted for compliance with BSC's BEP20 standard, and modified in order to contend with the faster blocktimes of BSC blockchain. It is the purely mined Proof-of-Work (PoW) BEP20 token that is native to the BSC network, with no pre-mine, airdrop, nor Initial Coin Offering (ICO) being adopted for its initial distribution purposes. The PoW mining ensures a provably neutral, fair and transparent distribution.

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