
Magic Beasties

ADA Smart Chain : 0xad76013922Fd4BBde0dA611a4Ca0a3bc6ED3d2bE

What is Magic Beasties(BSTS)?

Play and Earn. Send NFT Beasties to Auto-missions, earn $BSTS, find rare NFTS.
Win PVP battles and earn $BSTS.
PancakeSwap Liquidity 70%,
Development and Marketing Funds locked for 18 Months.
10% Sales FEE : 5% distributed to holder, 2% Automatic LP, 3% Dev/Marketing/Game vault
Contract Address: 0xad76013922Fd4BBde0dA611a4Ca0a3bc6ED3d2bE
Total Supply - 100 000 000
Pre sale & Liquidity Pool = 66%
DxSale Fees & Burns = 2%
Airdrop = 4%
Farming & Staking vault = 19%
Locked For 18 MONTHS
Development Vault = 4%
Marketing Vault = 5%
Locked For 18 MONTHS

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Contract Address: 0xad76013922Fd4BBde0dA611a4Ca0a3bc6ED3d2bE
Project started by Taiwan developer, mentioned in many crypto news!
Gameplay Video Coming soon!

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