

Binance Smart Chain : 0xF837D430abCd19FB221501f3cCa471c3Ee3EC16E

What is Cockapoo(COCKAPOO)?

About :
Cockapoo ($Cockapoo) is going to be the most viral crypto project of its kind. $Cockapoo fully decentralized, hyper deflationary, environmentally friendly and supports the womens rights and gender equality movement.
Cockapoo has studied Doge and all his copycats for a while and has learned a few tricks and lessons from the meme father. We are proud to say that Cockapoo is a hyper evolution of Doge:
Fair launch: NOW
Cockapoo Token
LP 100 % Locked Liquidity ,
Ownership renounced
⭐ Trending on all major coin promotion platforms
Great roadmap with merchandise store, community voting, NFTs marketplace and Cockapoo
✅ Token Name: Cockapoo
white_check_mark Token Symbol: $ Cockapoo

✅ Address:

✅ Buy:

✅ Chart:

✅ Slippage: 12 % to 15 %
✅ 5 % redistributed to holders and 5 % to liquidity every transaction

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