

Binance Smart Chain : 0x26fe33c3e0c5559f12abfc4b1ac8ed56486a124c

What is DarkEthereum(DARKETH)?

Dark Ethereumā€™s goal is to become a store of value for the BSC community. It is a revolutionary token that rewards $DarkETH holders with $ETH automatically in to their wallets. Too often, ā€œfair launchedā€ tokens get sniped by bots who then dump on the rest so for this reason we have improved the smart contract to prevent them!

The devs are fully committed to Dark Ethereum and the BSC defi space. Holders of Dark Ethereum will benefit from the fees generated. We view Dark Ethereum as a token that allows us to grow with the community, and expect to both grow the project and build other utilities for holders in the future.

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