
Doge Hunter

Binance Smart Chain : 0xc9bde44b194cea2e7f8653b0fa8ff9426a73fc86

What is Doge Hunter(DOGEHUNTER)?

$DogeHunter is a 100% Community-driven token on the BSC, Launching NOW! The defi space nowadays has been a very dangerous place as many scammers start to spread and rampantly create tokens and rug people’s investments. We, the developers of $DogeHunter, will make sure that your investments are perfectly safe. Fair distribution without whales. Active and engaged team, ready to answer any questions, Earn your $DogeHunter just for holding $DogeHunter. Liquidity will be locked, and no huge dev wallet, Strong Community. Join our exciting, engaging, and constantly evolving project today for meme competitions, giveaways, contests and more! Tokenomics : -80% Burned at launch -2% Marketing Wallet ❗️ 8% tax on transactions 2% goes back to holders 6% is goes to liquidity

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