

Binance Smart Chain : 0xba8bd9806369c0870572fE9546Ca3e240dc72C79

What is Essential(ESL)?

Decentralized and distributed, blockchain technology is offering us fundamentally different solutions to many problems. It helps build trust and consensus based on cryptography rather than relying on a trusted central party so that economic activities can take place and capital can flow across borders frictionlessly. As blockchain-based asset digitalization is becoming a new trend, more and more investors are adding digital assets to their investment portfolios. There is increasing consensus to democratize the digital economy so that everyone can participate and enjoy the benefits brought about by blockchain technology. ESL aims to build and nurture a blockchain-enabled digital asset platform. We endeavor to build bridges between digital asset users, developers and investors to facilitate effective information flow and value creation. We seek to help visionary digital asset investors achieve their investment objectives and assist promising blockchain project teams secure funding and gain market recognition by providing select digital assets, designing and operating innovative digital assets, and investing in and supporting blockchain projects with high growth potential. Ultimately, our goal is to promote a healthy and sustainable growth of the blockchain industry.

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