
Indie Token

Binance Smart Chain : 0xa2651fe88aaac09ecf52847c02601c764b554cb9

What is Indie Token(INDIE)?

Buy Once, Free Indie Games and Projects for life!

We plan to develop inhouse, and make mutually beneficial partnerships with community Indie Devs, to fund and release games to Holders FREE just for holding our crypto!
We call this "Holding as a Subscription" and we are inventing it!

We solve two issues no other crypto does:
1. If the price of the coin is going down. holders see 0 utility from their investment. Here, we will be regularly releasing games, and other community-driven projects free and exclusively to holders.
2. We are a transactionless utility token. Nearly every utility token on the market has a "the price will go up as people use it" mindset. Deflationary Yield tokens struggle in this respect because of the high transaction costs. We don't rely on transactions, and encourage small to medium sized holding over the long term.

12% Reflections
2% Liquidity
1% Dev Wallet

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