
Keanu Inu

Ethereum Smart Chain : 0x106552c11272420aad5d7e94f8acab9095a6c952

What is Keanu Inu(KEANU)?

Keanu Inu ($KEANU) is a fully decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency, owned in whole by its community with instant rewards for holders.

With the top 10 wallets holding less than 7% of the total supply Keanu is whale resistant

To make sure that your investment is safe, KEANU has been audited by a third-party firm. We also renounced ownership of the contract and burned LP tokens.

Charity is extremely import to us, which is why we have launched the world's first charity DEX. What sets it apart from other decentralized exchanges, is that 0.2% of your transaction (except if you're buying with tokens that have redistribution tech) will seamlessly and automatically be sent to The Keanu Inu Charity Wallet.

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