

Binance Smart Chain : 0x5C61B7334905862aaA68C09f25f01f508182C6Ab

What is MiniSafeMoon(MINISAFEMOON)?

MiniSafeMoon is there !

Did you miss SafeMoon ? Did you miss MiniDoge ? Then, you better don't miss MiniSafeMoon.

Have you heard of Mini contract ? It's a Hyper Deflationary Auto-Staking Token, with an Auto-Boost Mechanism.
Every buy and sell gives holders more.
AutoBoost will buy back variable amounts every time a sale occurs with MiniSafeMoon token. This is a one of a kind function which is more powerful than just a standard buyback token.

⭕️ OFFICIAL Contract:


Supply - 1,000,000,000,000,000 MiniSafeMoon
Initial liquidity - 80 BNB
Liquidity will be locked for 4 years on Dxsale

On every transaction:
♻️ Autoboost function - 6% to 7%
✅ Redistributed to holders - 2% to 7%
Development wallet (used for marketing and manual buybacks) - 4%
Anti-bots, anti-snipes & anti-whales features

⭕️ We are doing a fairlaunch on 15th July 6:30PM UTC ⭕️

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