

Ethereum Smart Chain : 0xd953a0308617c79ecad8d5eab88a6561fd8a084d

What is NiftyNFT(NIFTY)?

Maximize the true value of your NFTs through the Nifty Marketplace.
Make and sell your NFTs on Nifty, similar to other marketplaces like Rarible. The difference? We automatically lock some #ETH value.

How does it work?
Use the Nifty decentralized application to create your own NFT and list it in our marketspace. If anyone buys it, 50% of its value gets locked while the seller gets the other 50%.

The buyer can also relist it with the the 50% ETH value. If anyone buys it, the new owner now has an NFT with 50% the value they paid in #ETH PLUS the 50% that was also previously locked!

Ultimately, the 50% locking mechanism helps NFT owners sell their NFTs. By locking up some ETH, NFTs eventually gain their true value. It also helps the community remove spam NFTs.

Are there perks to NFT creators who hold $NIFTY coins?
If you own some $NIFTY, instead of getting just 50% of the #ETH value of the NFT you created, you could get up to 70% as incentive!

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