
PIKA Crypto

Ethereum Smart Chain : 0x60f5672a271c7e39e787427a18353ba59a4a3578

What is PIKA Crypto(PIKA)?

PIKA is the first asset in the PIKA Ecosystem, consisting of 3 coins; PIKA, THUNDER and RAI, PIKA has a starting supply of 50T coins, 5T of which was burned upon launch, With world-leading tokenomics and a cutting edge coin evolution system, PIKA is a main-stay in the next generation of meme-coin cryptocurrencies. A simple 2.25% transaction redistribution fee helps mitigate bots and feeds the ecosystems staking pools. With game-like mechanics to investing, PIKA touts it's prowess as being the Pioneers of GameFi, Game-i-fied Finance. PIKA - How will you play the game?

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