

Binance Smart Chain : 0xbdac5c8bc3ff38083437bb712d55b668f44f6df1

What is Simargl(SIMA)?

Frequently asked questions about $SIMA Airdrop.

❓Why i haven't received $SIMA token?

-The withdrawals are weekly, you can check $SIMA website for the exact time of withdrawals.

❓How can i be qualified in the Airdrop?

-You have to invite minium 3 members to the telegram bot to be qualified.

❓Why i haven't received %100 of my $SIMA Airdrop tokens?

-%50 of your $SIMA earnings will be transferred to your wallet weekly, the rest(%50) will be withdrawn automatically on the end of Airdrop period.

❓How are the shares calculated?

-The share calculation is based on the total invitations to the airdrop.
〰Total supply: 20 Tokens (example)
‍♂John has invited 3 members
Lala has invited 2 members
Total invitations : 5

John share : 3/5 = 12 Tokens
Lala share : 2/5 = 8 Tokens

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