

Binance Smart Chain : 0xE7df368e774976d0E21c4E6537aE4B07904D731d

What is SimurghToken(SIMURGH)?

Simurgh is an automatic liquidity acquisition yield farm and AMM decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain with lots of unique and creative features that let you earn and win.
We fully support Pancakeswap-LP v2 staking.
Main Features
Automatic Liquidity
Each transfer of SIMURGH must pay a 5% transfer tax. The 4% transfer tax gets added to the liquidity pool through the contract automatically to raise the price floor continuously. And the liquidity will be locked and inaccessible.
Automated Burning
As we have mentioned above, each transfer of SIMURGH must pay a 5% transfer tax. The 1% transfer tax will be allocated to automatic liquidity acquisition. And the rest 1% transfer tax will be burned immediately. The whole process is automatic.
Harvest Lockup
Harvest lockup is a unique rewards lockup mechanism used to limit the frequency of harvest. It is designed to prevent farming arbitrage bots from constantly harvesting and dumping.
Anti Whale
Transfer more than 0.01% of the total supply will be rejected. As the total supply grows, this ratio will be reduced.

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