

Binance Smart Chain : 0xcfc9321e3aa3a15bbbc4c4390da7407f3ec84145

What is Thaicoin(TAC)?

T-ECO, subversive blockchain!
Thaicoin is a governance Token that every place in the T-ECO needs to use in circulation, and it is also the platform token of Thaiex.
️Thaiex was founded in 2017. It has been more than five years, and its shareholders include former Thai Princess Mami
️ was officially acquired by The Australian (Alpha) Chinese Foundation ALH in September 2021
With the implementation of blockchain technology, the official supervision of virtual currency is becoming more and more strict and even suppressed. The first rectification is the centralized exchange
The goal of is to create a brand new T ecological field. In order to grow rapidly, the team acquired Thaiex, which has official government background and multiple legal licenses

T-ECO has the following sections
1- Decentralized wallets
2-BTC binary option
4- Metaverse (completely different experience)
5- Blockchain Internet investment

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