

Binance Smart Chain : 0xda004bdc11cdcadd3c75a66e117a26927d24b373

What is TruXTR(TRUXTR)?

True Xtreme (TruXTR) is a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) based, deflationary charity token that helps holders make the world a better place

Every transaction incurs a 10% fee: 2% added to liquidity, 4% directly distributed to all holders, and the remaining 4% is burned

TruXTR has a designated “charity” wallet that receives the same redistribution as holders to ensure every transaction supports a good cause.
Each quarter, the community will be provided future tokenomic options and charities to vote on ranging from small projects like local food drives to large international organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Doctors Without Borders. Community-led tokenomics and charitable choices will begin in Q4, CY2021.

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