

Binance Smart Chain : 0xd9294bdb1a11d61de047de5b8034b20bc7eaab79

What is TrumpSwap(TSW)?

TRUMPSWAP is a new financial instrument that plans to launch its own exchange, making the token in short supply

TRUMPSWAP ecosystem with the launch of the airdrop is gathering an army of fans to launch its own exchange in the future with the aim of accelerating the internal burning of tokens.

Our goal is to make our token scarce. After the airdrop, the listing price of the token will be set at $0.0005, but after the launch of the exchange, we will accelerate the internal burning of TRUMPSWAP tokens, the price may rise to $5 or $10, and we will be able to compete. And trade on other exchanges.

Trumpswap is the first decentralized exchange platform on the market with a three-type referral system and the lowest platform transaction fees (0.1%). We are a decentralized exchange platform for swapping BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain network. This network guarantees superior speed and much lower network transaction cost.

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